Welcome to the Includability Frequently Asked Questions. We are here to provide you with a quick guide to the most common inquiries we receive, giving you insights into how Includability operates, what we offer, and how you can make the most of our services. So, let's dive in and unlock the full potential of becoming an inclusive and committed employer with Includability.

What does Includability do?

Includability is a platform that provides a certification standard and community for inclusive and committed employers. We help businesses become better through B Corp principles, ethical practices, and by starting them on their journey to inclusivity.

How does Includability support SMEs and Enterprise Businesses?

We offer tailored support through consultancy, workshops, and an exclusive client area that provides resources, rewards, and a network of partner experts to SMEs from 1 to 100000 employees looking to foster inclusivity and sustainable practices.

What networking opportunities does Includability provide?

Includability hosts Monthly Employer Support Groups, Think Inclusive/Unleashed Roadshow Events, and other gatherings that offer excellent networking opportunities with other committed employers and experts in various fields.

What services does Includability offer?

Includability offers a range of services around EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion), Talent Management, Sustainability, Impact, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Leadership and Governance and being a better business through B Corp. These include workshops, rewards schemes, verification processes and reporting, support groups, and access to a learning management system with diverse training options.

Can Includability help with our company's EDI strategy?

Can Includability help with our company's EDI strategy? Absolutely. Includability provides workshops and consultancy services to help companies create and implement effective EDI, Mental Health, Wellbeing, Impact, Leadership and Governance and B Corp strategies and action plans.

What are the benefits of joining Includability?

Benefits include access to authoritative expertise, discovery of where you sit in your journey, a dedicated report highlighting opportunities for growth, discounts on training and workshops, engagement with a community of like-minded businesses, and participation in a Rewards program that supports global charitable projects.

How does the rewards program work?

Companies earn ICE points for various activities and milestones achieved within the Includability program. These points can then be redeemed to support a selection of charitable projects through B1G1.

What is the verification process with Includability?

The verification process involves a series of steps where a company is evaluated and guided towards meeting the standards of being an Includability Committed Employer.

What recognition does a company receive upon completing verification?

Upon completion, a company is recognised as an Includability Committed Employer and gains access to exclusive content, brand assets, and further rewards.

What type of training does Includability offer?

Includability offers a wide range of training solutions from D&I to sustainability, delivered through our Learning Management System by leading experts.

Are the training and workshops suitable for all levels of employees?

Yes, the training and workshops are designed to cater to various levels within an organisation, from junior staff to senior management.

How does a company start the process with Includability?

The process begins by creating an account on the Includability platform, completing the Company Commitment Survey, and proceeding through the verification process.

Is there support available if we have questions during the process?

Absolutely Yes, Includability provides dedicated support throughout your journey. Our team is available to assist with any queries or guidance needed.

Is there a cost associated with Includability’s services?

Some services are free, such as certain workshops and support groups, while others, like specialised consultancy services, may come at a cost. However, discounts are available for verified members. The process of becoming a Includability Committed Employer and working through the verification process costs £1495 per year (£2995 from Jan 2024)

What is the commitment level required from our company?

The commitment level can vary based on your company's needs and objectives. Includability is flexible and can tailor the engagement level to suit your business's journey towards inclusivity however we do expect a certain level of commitment in completing the Customer Commitment Survey and in going through the Verification Process. Once this is done our Customer Success Managers will touch base with you every Quarter to ensure you get the most out of Includability.

By joining Includability, you're not just committing to an internal culture shift but also contributing to a global movement for a more inclusive and sustainable business world.

How can our company benefit from Includability's community?

Being part of Includability’s community opens doors to collaborative opportunities, peer learning, sharing best practices, and forming strategic alliances with other forward-thinking organisations.

How can our employees get involved with Includability?

Employees can participate in Employer Support Groups, workshops, join support groups, become ambassadors, and engage with the content and training available through Includability's platforms.

What does it mean to be an Includability Ambassador?

As an Includability Ambassador, an individual or company champions the principles of inclusivity and sustainability within their network, sharing best practices and helping to drive the Includability mission forward.

What is an Includability Partner Expert?

Partner Experts are proven trailblazing Includability Ambassadors that supply the very highest levels of training and support. They have also shown their commitment to excellence through their support of Includability, its Committed Employers & the community as a whole.

How does Includability measure impact?

Impact is measured through the ICE points system and the real-world contributions made to B1G1 projects. Companies can track their social and environmental impact through this tangible rewards system.

Can our company's social responsibility initiatives be aligned with Includability's reward program?

Yes, Includability's rewards program and consultancy services are designed to complement and enhance your company's existing social responsibility initiatives.

What new features can we expect from Includability?

Includability is continuously innovating, with plans to launch an Unlimited Access Learning Management System and constantly updating our offering with new content, events, and partnership opportunities.

How does Includability stay ahead with the latest trends in sustainability, inclusivity and the other pillars of inclusion?

Includability stays ahead by collaborating with top experts, engaging with the latest research, and actively participating in global discussions on and around the pillars we have based our verification process upon.

What kind of technical support does Includability offer?

Includability offers comprehensive technical support for its online platforms, including troubleshooting, user guidance, and optimisation of user experience.

Where can we find Includability's brand assets and resources?

Verified members have exclusive access to Includability brand assets, badges, logos, and social media cards through the client area on our website.

What is the verification process like with Includability?

The verification process includes a Company Commitment Survey, achieving Pending Status, and working towards full Committed Employer Status through completing Verification Stars. Partner videos are available to guide you through this process along with our Client Success Managers.

How is the Verification Report useful to our company?

The Verification Report provides insights into your company’s current practices, highlights areas for improvement, and offers benchmarks for progress across all areas of the verification process. We can then help your organisation identify the key growth areas and provide consultancy solutions through our ENGAGE programme

How does the ICE points system work?

ICE points are accrued through engagement with Includability's services and milestones achieved. These points can then be redeemed for support in B1G1 projects or for reaching new levels of recognition within the community.

What kind of rewards can we expect from the Rewards Programme?

Rewards range from social impact projects, such as providing meals or school shoes, to infrastructural support like sponsoring an irrigation system or water filters, aligning corporate social responsibility with tangible outcomes.

What type of training does Includability offer?

Includability offers a spectrum of training solutions, ranging from diversity and inclusion to sustainability and B Corp introductions, delivered through an upcoming Learning Management System and live workshops by expert partners.

How accessible is the training provided by Includability?

Training is designed to be highly accessible, offered as both free and paid options, ensuring companies of all sizes can benefit from Includability’s extensive knowledge and expertise.

How does ENGAGE Consultancy enhance our business strategies?

ENGAGE Consultancy provides expert advice and practical solutions tailored to help SMEs improve in areas of EDI, sustainability, and ethical business practices, fostering growth and resilience.

What discounts does Includability offer on consultancy and training?

Committed Employers enjoy significant discounts on a range of consultancy services, webinars, and workshops, ensuring cost-effective access to high-quality expertise.

How will we be informed about the latest news and updates from Includability?

Includability keeps its members informed through regular updates on its platform, newsletters, social media announcements, and exclusive access to the client area.

Can we contribute to Includability's content and events?

Absolutely Yes, as part of the Includability community, there are always opportunities to contribute content, speak at events, and share insights with peers across the network. We value the power of story telling and are there to help you share your successes and celebrate your wins.

What makes Includability unique compared to other employer support platforms?

Includability’s focus on actionable impact, comprehensive support, and a robust network community makes it a unique platform that doesn’t just talk about change but actively facilitates it.

Includability is an essential partner for companies committed to enhancing their talent management, acquisition, and retention strategies, while showcasing their dedication to diversity, inclusion, sustainability, and mental health. As candidates increasingly scrutinise corporate values, Includability offers a comprehensive and evolving solution to meet these expectations.

How does Includability ensure a satisfying user experience for its clients?

Includability is committed to user satisfaction through continuous improvement of its platforms, listening to feedback, and providing a personalised approach to each member’s journey. Our Partner Experts, Ambassadors, Committed Employers and Partner Companies are all working towards the goal of supporting a Purpose, its People, the Planet whilst creating partnerships and delivering an inclusive and diverse workplace.