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Ripple Suicide Prevention - reducing the number of people viewing harmful content online

Ripple has been established is to reduce the number of people who are viewing harmful online content relating to self-harm and suicide and increase the number of people who are utilising the plethora of mental health resources available to them.

What makes Includability the home of inclusive employers?

Ripple is designed to ensure all users searching for harmful content online are presented with an opportunity of hope that things can and will get better

Along with Intercepting harmful content relating to self-harm and/or suicide through innovative technology Ripple then redirects users to mental health support if they are struggling to cope or in need of immediate help

What is Ripple Suicide Prevention?

Ripples mission is to intercept harmful content relating to self-harm and/or suicide through innovative technology to redirect users to mental health support if they are struggling to cope or in need of immediate help. Their vision is to ensure all users searching for harmful content online are presented with an opportunity of hope that things can and will get better.

What makes Ripple so important?

The purpose for which Ripple has been established to reduce the number of people who are viewing harmful online content relating to self-harm and suicide and increase the number of people who are utilising the plethora of mental health resources available to them. Ripple hope their existence will significantly reduce the number of people who go on to take their own lives following a harmful online search which can add a level of vulnerability to individuals by reinforcing their feelings, legitimising their thoughts and providing users with the ways and means to act on their contemplations. Instead, Ripple ensures a support page is presented before harmful online search results are displayed, and act as an interception to encourage people to visit a mental health support page from one of our charity partners as an alternative to viewing harmful online results.

How did Ripple come about?

Alice Hendy CEO & Founder at Ripple Suicide Prevention lost her only sibling, her brother Josh, on 25th November 2020 to suicide at 21 years old. After examining Josh’s phone, she found that he had been researching techniques to take his own life via harmful internet searches.

Mental health is a serious and urgent issue. Online searches for suicide methods have increased by 50% in the last 2 years with searches for suicide support lines also up by 150% since January 2019. (Semrush, 2021).

To ensure more help and support is given to individuals searching for harmful content online, Alice set up R;pple Suicide Prevention. R;pple is a digital tool, which if a user searches for harmful content online, they will first be guided through a filter of breathing exercises and then very simple, uncluttered and calmly presented strategies and forums, help lines and mental health services they can access both now and longer term: accompanied with messages of hope and encouragement to keep safe.

What effect has Ripple had?

    • To date, R;pple has close to 2 million active users, (free for schools, colleges, universities, parents, carers and charities, fee required from businesses)
    • R;pple has now been ‘triggered’ over 50,000 times, meaning we have intercepted 50,000 people from harmful online searches.
    • 31 external individuals have approached R;pple to inform us that the tool intercepting them online at their most vulnerable point has saved their life.

How can you download Ripple?

  • Individually, you can download R;pple at home, for free, here.
  • For businesses and corporates, please liaise with your Wellbeing and IT teams and inform them that R;pple is a browser extension (available on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera Browsers that can be deployed en masse for a subscription fee. Please do contact us to arrange your financial donation back to the charity, we rely on an ‘honesty box’ approach.

Useful Ripple Links

For more information about R;pple click here

Ripple Suicide Prevention - reducing the number of people viewing harmful content online
Ripple Suicide Prevention - reducing the number of people viewing harmful content online

Here are some FAQ's about Ripple

What statistics exist that highlight the need for R;pple?

  • Searches for suicide methods have increased by 50% in the last 2 years (Semrush)
  • Searches for suicidal thoughts have increased by 23% since Jan 2019 (Semrush)
  • Searches for suicide hotlines have increased by 125% since Jan 2019 (Semrush)
  • One in five people have accessed sites which provide information on how to hurt or kill themselves.
  • Research has found that not everyone is comfortable speaking over the phone and that visual prompts can help those in a crisis
  • Annually, for each death by suicide, 6.9 million people are personally affected. R;pple is offering a platform in which will not only help the individual but will prevent the ripple impact on all people closeby.
  • The rate of deaths among under 25s increased by 23.7% from 2017 to 2018 with 730 under 25s taking their own lives in 2018, up from 590 in 2017. (Samaritans)
  • “There are 1.2 million internet searches for ways to take your own life every month” - Suicide Forum, 2018
  • Harmful internet use was found in 26% of deaths in under 20s and 13% of deaths in 20-24 year-old (Samaritans)
  • Three quarters of young people under the age of 35 took their own lives in 2018 were boys or young men. (Papyrus)
  • Male suicide is at its highest rate in 20 years in 2020 (ONS)• 93% rise in female under 25 suicide rates since 2012 (ONS)
  • Overall, men accounted for three-quarters of UK deaths by suicide in 2018 (ONS)
  • There were 5,691 suicides in England and Wales in 2019, that is 321 more compared to the year before. (Samaritans)
  • 26.8% of people aged 16-24 report having had suicidal thoughts in their lifetime, a higher percentage than any other age group (MHFA)
  • Every 90 minutes in the UK, a life is lost to suicide (The Sun ‘You’re Not Alone Campaign’)
  • Over 200 schoolchildren are lost to individuals taking their own life every year. (Samaritans)

Where does R;pple operate?

  • UK Wide - The existence of the Ripple Suicide Prevention will benefit people across the UK andis not subject to geographical limits.
  • Worldwide – R;pple is now available in the following English speaking countries:
    New Zealand
    South Africa

Work is underway to deploy R;pple to other locations around the world, dependant on funding.

Who does R;pple assist, who are R;pple’s beneficiaries?

The people who can benefit from the Ripple include people who are in need of mental health support following an act of carrying out online searches of a harmful nature relating to self-harm and suicide, nationwide. The purpose for which Ripple has been established is to reduce the number of people who are viewing harmful online content relating to self-harm and suicide and increase the number of people who are utilising the plethora of mental health resources available to them.

Who does the project support (age-range, gender etc.), what are their needs and how will you identify them/how do they hear about the project?

Ripple supports individuals of all ages, genders, ethnicities, sexualities and disabilities by providing an interception when an individual searches for harmful content relating to self-harm or suicide online and instead encourages them to seek mental health support from a range of different charities and services in a way which suits them (helpline, text service, webchat, self help app, pocket resources).

Are there plans to take R;pple global?

Yes! R;pple has been translated in over 20 languages and will eventually be available in all countries and territories in different languages.

What exactly do organisations receive for their fee for downloading the software?

Organisations who deploy R;pple across their IT infrastructure will ensure an additional layer of mental health protection is in place for their colleagues. R;pple allows organisations to prioritise the wellbeing of their staff and provide them with a message of hope and a selection of mental health resources should they conduct a harmful online search relating to self-harm or suicide. By installing R;pple, the organisation is directly contributing to the development of the R;pple tool, to include the following:

  • Ensuring R;pple is available in more geographies and territories around the world
  • Ensuring R;pple is compatible on mobile and tablet devices
  • Ensuring R;pple is as intuitive as possible.

For more information about R;pple click here

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